Skill execute code using sensors and actuators and finish with one defined ExitStatus. They can use aditional input/output with slots.
The Skill methods gets invoked in the following order
configure -> init -> execute -> end
The skill stops if configure throws an exception
if init return false the execute method is skipped,
is then calledexecute is repeatedly called until a non loop token is returned
Each skill extends AbstractSkill and uses some predefined components:
Actuators that will be used
Sensors, which informations will be used
Slots for data in and output
ExitTokens, that can be returned
Define Parameters you want to use
Which are initialized during the configure step.
void configure(SkillConfigurator)
Configure is already called before during load, therefore errors can be handled before execution.
Actuators and Sensors
The usable Actuators and Sensors are usually defined in an bonsai config file and are usable as Javaobjects:
private static final String ACTUATOR_SPEECHACTUATOR = "SpeechActuator";
private static final String SENSOR_SPEECHSENSORCONFIRM = "SpeechSensorConfirm";
public void configure(SkillConfigurator configurator) {
speechSensor = configurator.getSensor(SENSOR_SPEECHSENSORCONFIRM, Utterance.class);
speechActuator = configurator.getActuator(ACTUATOR_SPEECHACTUATOR, SpeechActuator.class);
ExitToken are used to create events after the skill is finished. To make sure all possible exit events are captured in the scxml the tokens have to be requested in the configuration method.
public void configure(SkillConfigurator configurator) {
// request all tokens that you plan to return from other methods
tokenSuccessPsYes = configurator.requestExitToken(ExitStatus.SUCCESS().withProcessingStatus(PS_YES));
tokenSuccessPsNo = configurator.requestExitToken(ExitStatus.SUCCESS().withProcessingStatus(PS_NO));
Skills are able to read parameter in the configure method
- ::
private String KEY_TEXT = “KEY”
- public void configure(SkillConfigurator configurator) {
text = configurator.requestValue(KEY_TEXT); blocking = configurator.requestOptionalBool(KEY_BLOCKING, blocking);
there are different requestTYPE methods for different types
reads the value as String.Requested parameter have to be given
You can request Optinals with defaults if the parameter is not supplied
SCXML: In BonsaiSCXML parameters are read from local datamodel of the state that invokes the skill. Example:
<state id="SomeSkill">
<data id="KEY" expr="'value'" />
boolean init()
Init initalizes the skill and should be used as a place to define your pre nonlogic structures.
public boolean init() {
speechManager = new SimpleSpeechHelper(speechSensor, true);
if (timeout > 0) {"using timeout of " + timeout + "ms");
timeout += System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("simple: " + simpleYesOrNo);
return true;
ExitToken execute()
public ExitToken execute() {
if (timeout > 0) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeout) {"ConfirmYesOrNo timeout");
return tokenSuccessPsTimeout;
if (simpleYesOrNo) {
// call simple yes or no confirmation
return simpleYesNo();
} else {
// call confirm yes or no with limited number of retries and
// conformations from robot
return confirmYesNo();
ExitToken end(ExitToken)
public ExitToken end(ExitToken curToken) {
return curToken;
private ExitToken simpleYesNo() {
if (!speechManager.hasNewUnderstanding()) {
return ExitToken.loop();
if (!speechManager.getUnderstoodWords(NT_YES).isEmpty()) {
return tokenSuccessPsYes;
} else if (!speechManager.getUnderstoodWords(NT_NO).isEmpty()) {
return tokenSuccessPsNo;
return ExitToken.loop();